To prevent migraines, it’s helpful to include natural migraine treatments into your daily life, in addition to consulting with a naturopathic doctor who specializes in chronic migraines. An osteopath is one such alternative medicine practitioner who can provide amazing results in a few office visits.
Many migraine headaches are triggered or worsened by stress, tense muscles, injuries, sinus pressure and incorrect posture. Osteopathy is a natural therapy that can help to relieve migraine headaches by correcting such blockages, improper joint structure, and stiff muscles that can lead to chronic headaches such as migraine.
Although osteopathy uses science-based knowledge on musculoskeletal behavior in helping people with chronic pain, it is still considered by conventional medicine as a branch of alternative natural therapy.
For migraine sufferers, many osteopaths will prescribe natural migraine treatments containing vitamins, herbs, and minerals, in addition to performing manual osteopathic therapy.
(Natural ingredients that help migraines include magnesium, butterbur, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q-10.)
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) is a hands-on approach to adjusting underlying physical conditions that cause chronic pain and illness, including headaches, vertigo, muscle pain, and tinnitus, all of which are common symptoms of migraine disorder.
Here are some of the many benefits of osteopathy for treating migraines:
Besides migraines, an osteopath can also help to relieve asthma, sinus disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, vertigo, tinnitus, and menstrual pain.